Our ST1100 Pan.
We purchased a 1998 ST1100AW with ABS, TCS and CBS in December 2002. The bike is in "Wineberry" and was purchased specifically for long distance touring.
It had done 35,000 miles and had been "dealer serviced"; hence it required the following problems resolved :
The opportunity was taken to replace head and wheel bearings, new rear brake pads; brake and clutch fluids flushed out and replenished and coolant replaced. A complete engine service including shims and carbs balanced finished the job.
The Honda Workshop manual is very specific about the lubricant to be used on the drive shaft splines. This is Molybdenum paste with a minimum molybdenum content of 40%. A visit to the service department of our local Edinburgh Honda authorised dealer produced only blank looks. A search on the web quickly found one of the suppliers listed in the Honda workshop manual and details of local suppliers provided. [Have since discovered the local Honda dealer uses a mix of engine oil and Copperslip!!!!!!!].
The intention was to use it on our holiday in the Alps with Bob Crawley and use the VFR for weekends etc. However having joined the Scottish branch of the Pan Clan we ended up doing 9,000 miles on it in the first year.
Highlights included :
In 2004 we used it to go to Sweden with the Pan Clan as well as Plockton and several Pan Clan runs.
The bike when purchased had been modified with the following "extras"
Since then we have added :
It has subsequently taken us on trips to Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Spain, and Norway before finally at over 63,000 miles being sold in the Spring of 2009.
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